PUBLIC AS A VICTIM RICH QUICK SCHEME OF GOLD. Today vociferous about issues gold and silver. Here the company's share tips to you all for
refrain from being involved in the following activities.
Prior Investigate if the company making activities under the following:
1. Grant Dividends Every Month. Without Make Work
2. Grants in the form of Grants per month
3. Profit Sharing by% per month
4. Installment Payment In accordance with the contract where the exhausted new installment will pay freight. (Deposti Taking)
5. Companies offering unlicensed pawnbrokers
6. Companies offering foreign currency exchange rates. without a license.
7. Companies that offer loans without a license
8. Companies offering rental services of silver and gold in pay each month.
9. Cooperatives are not enrolled
TIPS: SAFE FROM cheated.
1. Buy Gold Physical silver can NOT paper / online account
2. Do not Hold Your Own Gold Silver Kasi others hold.
3. Make sure the product has a certificate / certified assayer of gold purity silver purity is to avoid fraud.
4. Buy gold and silver with a known and trusted person.
Many wonder whether the GSR involved illegal ACTIVITY Law of Bank Negara Malaysia?
Because: GSR is the company that provides the physical silver bullion with cheap price / wholesale (As Gold Shop outside). For example: You can buy your gold
gold then you save yourself or wear it up to you all the reasons you are right.
The second factor is the price of gold will rise in line with inflation. When inflation goes up, the price of gold will rise in line with inflation. In all countries in the world
including major economic powers to inject economic stimulus package as large as the U.S. stimulus package effect is an increase in inflation. American
just smack his money at will and this will cause the value of his money will go down.
Factors influencing the price of the Gold Market
a) First of depreciation of the U.S. dollar. When the value of the U.S. dollar depreciation will increase the price of gold, when the U.S. dollar stable gold price will drop. Gold acts as a
a hedge against the U.S. dollar. At this time the U.S. dollar weak and shows signs will be weaker. There are also rumors in West Asia and
China will use currency other than U.S. dollars due to the weakening U.S. dollar this. Although the transition to a currency other than U.S. dollars (euros example
or a new form of currency) is not something that can occur immediately, the news was enough to propel the price of gold. First USD 1 = RM 3.80 and now
2012 value of USD 1 = RM3.04 and potential decreased due to the economic downturn in the U.S..
So just sharing ..
Any questions please ask Mohd Nizam Safarul Authorised dealer GSR (SL 0084) SMS / CALL 753 012-2277 SAFAR